What we achieve
The HERIT ADAPT project aims to develop and implement a sustainable tourism model tailored to various pilot areas through collaborative efforts with local Territorial Working Groups (TWGs). It identifies and enhances existing plans, strategies, and technologies for managing tourism sustainably. The project includes pilot testing, evaluating interventions, and fostering intersectoral collaboration. It seeks to build capacity, raise awareness of climate change impacts, and create strategies to make tourism more resilient. Ultimately, it aims to transfer successful practices and methodologies to other regions, ensuring broader application and impact.
Work package 1

Co-creation of the HERIT ADAPT Sustainable Tourism Model functional specifications, according to the needs and requirements of the Territorial Working Groups (1.1)
- A1.1 In each pilot area, interdisciplinary and intersectoral Territorial Working Groups (TWGs) will be formed and engaged in co-creation activities to provide inputs on the local needs and expectations from the HERIT ADAPT Sustainable Tourism Model.
Identification and Analysis of existing Plans and Strategies (1.2)
- A1.2 Intends to identify the current state of the PP territories with reference to their relevant legal, regulatory & policy basis, targeting their amelioration and enhancement.
Mapping of existing technological tools for destinations’ management and monitoring in regards to Sustainability & Resilience (1.3)
- A1.3 Will analyze the technological state of the art pertinent to the scope of the project, drawing from both local and international examples & good practices.
HERIT ADAPT Sustainable Tourism Model Feasibility Study (1.4)
- A 1.4 The Feasibility Study will highlight tourism destination typologies (preliminary identified in the proposal level) versus individual characteristics taking into account all the above, specify sets of solutions, technologies and tools to be matched with the project pilots.
Initial engagement of HERIT ADAPT audiences at local and MED level & awareness raising (1.5)
- A1.5 Will manage news & events of the project and disseminate its outcomes. Guidelines for greening dissemination material and for organising green & inclusive events will be followed.
Work package 2
Enhancing existing and newly developed tools and solutions managing tourism and climate change related risks, to reduce adverse impacts and increase resilience in the targeted areas (2.1)
- WARMEST tool for 3D modelling of heritage monuments: Defect detection capabilities will be enhanced related to additional paradigms out of expert knowledge (Alhambra, Apollo Epicurius, Cetinje, Dubrovnik and Occitanie)
- Herit-Data Snap4City App: Enhanced with missing datasets related to cruise tourism in Dubrovnik to investigate tourism peak reduction approaches covid-19 strategies related
- New App for tourism group guided visits allowing incentives for alternative itineraries (Alhambra & Dubrovnik)
- TransCPEarlyWarning tool for flame & smoke detection in forests
- Limassol Tourism Mobility App to include climate shelters & routes in shadow during extreme heat
- VR/XR tools for the Aquinum archaeological site/museum
Pilot Testing of the HERIT ADAPT Sustainable Tourism Model and tailored solutions facilitated by a common Methodology (2.2)
- Defines & rolls-out a common methodology via solutions & tools from A2.1
- Engages into appropriate dialogue QH stakeholders
- Defines specific KPIs.
Assessment and evaluation of pilot testing (2.3)
- Leader: UGR
- Activated TWGs will evaluate/discuss the impact of interventions and open dialogue performed during testing, reporting also barriers and critical issues encountered.
- The evaluation will engage into an interregional comparison of pilot testing between different territories, trying to identify hidden norms behind successful practices.
Activation of TWGs for co-creating Sustainable & Resilient Tourism Strategies building on HERIT ADAPT Sustainable Tourism Models in the pilot territories (2.4)
- Leader: DURA
- Activation & engagement of TWGs comprising both the partnership & local tourism QH SHs into a dialogue on the test of the STM.
- Co-create a Tourism Strategy promoting both natural/cultural assets, developing awareness of risks imposed by tourism flows & climate change.
- Bring together climate change & conservation experts to discuss climate change adaptation barriers, identify mitigation paths & implement citizen science approaches.
- Current lack of intersectoral collaboration hinders the implementation, improvement, enhancement of existing action plans.
- This process should contribute to the effort to guide residents rediscover their cities & offer alternatives to both local population & tourists.
Coordination with the mission governance projects (TCP & IDP), JS and other projects (2.5)
- Leader: EPLO
- A2.5 aims at the active participation in the Euro-MED mission 4 Thematic Community (TC).
- We will support the TC in amplifying its results by providing data and material, participating in at least 2 F2F yearly meetings, 1 joint communication event & collective workshops or other envisaged activities.
- We will produce a project video to be published in the resource section of Euro-MED Academy and will participate in the joint elaboration of the Academy’s pedagogical material.
- HERIT ADAPT will also contribute to the reinforced cooperation with other Programmes.
Quadruple Helix Engagement activities (2.6)
- Leader: LTC
- 1 capacity-building workshop per territory to create the necessary capacities towards involved SHs for use of HERIT-ADAPT tools/solutions
- 1 event per territory engaging with TWGs and other SHs for feedback on the produced sustainable model
- 1 exhibition per territory during pilot testing utilizing a specific site/monument as a beacon to create awareness on risks by climate change/mass tourism flows, as well as mitigation measures
- 1 transnational citizen science campaign is envisaged to engage citizens and tourists considering special groups, e.g. students
- 1 transnational awareness campaign on project objectives, targeting mainly its risk monitoring /management / mitigation / adaptation approach

Work package 3

Lessons learnt from Pilot Testing experience (3.1)
- Engage territory tourism Quadruple Helix into an in-depth analysis of the lessons learnt from the Sustainable Tourism Model pilot testing.
- Utilizes input from the assessment and evaluation of pilot testing and brings it to the body of policy stakeholders & Quadruple Helix stakeholders.
- Establish an interregional dialogue, so as to facilitate the transfer of good practices related to the more successful pilot testing paradigms, as well as to formulate them in the form of methodologies.
Transferability plan of HERIT ADAPT Sustainable Tourism Model (3.2)
- Drafting a Transferability Plan for the HERIT ADAPT project main outcome: the Sustainable Tourism Model and the assessed portfolio of solutions.
- Produce a Transferability Plan, making the experience ready for transfer in a wider scope in the partner territories and other territories.
- The Transferability plan will highlight the necessary strategy adjustments and overall framework conditions mandatory for the transfer of the project outcomes, and will specify an action plan with detailed guidelines.
Monitoring the project carbon footprint and offsetting (3.3)
- Monitoring CO2 emissions related to project activities using the online tool (Footprint Calculator).
- Actions to lower them as much as possible (or eliminate them altogether when possible).
- The Data will be inserted by the Carbon Footprint reference person (RWG).
- All these will be achieved through: 1. Project design for reducing emissions, 2. Methodology, 3. Online tool, 4. Recommendations for reduction.
Final Local Workshops and High Level Conference (3.4)
- Organize two types of events: Final local workshops targeting policy makers at different levels and aiming at knowledge transfer related to the pilot testing experience in the partner territories.
- High Level Conference will be implemented which will present to the wide international audience of Euro-MED Programme area and beyond the HERIT ADAPT Sustainable Tourism Model and its testing results.