What we do
The Sustainable Tourism Model (STM) will take into account territorial needs and visions, existing frameworks and plans and the global technology offer, enabling the use of existing tools and solutions and the valorization of transnational knowledge gained from other projects. Following a co-creation approach HERIT ADAPT will truly engage target groups to identify lessons learnt and co-develop Sustainable and Resilient tourism Strategies. Finally, it will turn challenges into opportunities by using heritage as a vehicle for communicating CH and NH assets in the context of climate change and inspire the uptake of HERIT ADAPT innovative solutions from other regions.
Step 1

Methodology for monitoring & management of tourism & climate change related risks in touristic areas
- Development of the methodology of risk monitoring and management leading to co-created HERIT ADAPT Sustainable Tourism Model which will facilitate protection of natural and cultural assets and reinforce destinations’ resilience.
- Awareness raising to inform the general public on the project & engage the addressed Target Groups (TGs), forming Territorial Working Groups.
- Co-creation activities for defining needs and visions at the pilots’ level, aiming to deliver the HERIT ADAPT Sustainable Tourism Models.
Step 2
Sustainable Tourism Model pilot testing
- Pilot testing of HERIT ADAPT Sustainable Tourism Model in 8 use cases of different typologies combining monitoring and management of risks, and related protection of natural and cultural heritage.
- All partners participate in WP2.

Step 3

Enhancing Tourism Sustainability via HERIT ADAPT Sustainable Tourism Model
- Enhanced Tourism Sustainability in the partner territories and beyond driven by lessons learnt from the HERIT ADAPT Sustainable Tourism Model testing and relevant knowledge transfer.
- Engagement and increased awareness of the territory tourism Quadruple Helix related to tourism risks and their mitigation/ adaptation needs.
- Main target audience are policy makers at regional and local level, as well as territory heritage managers that can integrate the lessons learnt from the pilot testing of HERIT ADAPT Sustainable Tourism Model in their processes and systems. Main means are high-level events and workshops.